Participa City - Prevenir o racismo e a discriminação das minorias étnicas e culturais na Europa e promover a participação através de um Jogo Europeu - Participa City

2024-10-01 - 2026-09-30

The participating partners all work with migrants and (perceived) Muslims as target groups either in offering training, consulting or similar services. Frequently, this target group, often affected by unconscious stereotypes and sometimes also by very direct xenophobic or racist actions, meets difficulties in social inclusion, finding jobs and good places to live, their (children´s) education etc. This experience was the starting point for developing a prototype of the Participa City game.


- Preventing racism and discrimination of ethnic and cultural minorities in Europe

- Developing prevention strategies to reduce the negative consequences of discrimination

- Sensitising decision makers and key persons in positions impacting on participation of ethnic and cultural minorities to avoid discriminatory structures and practices

- Strengthening participation of ethnic and cultural minorities in European society

- Fostering a diversity-friendly climate and inclusive society in Europe