
Einstudio: The fifth partnership meeting took place in Alicante, Spain, hosted by the Universidade de Alicante, on Thursday, January 25th, and Friday, January 26th, 2024.


During this meeting, the partners discussed the progress made during the Second Phase of the ID Studio Implementation, including feedback from students and teachers, dissemination efforts through the Project Website and social media channels, as well as financial management and the Interim Reporting Phase.

A highlight of the meeting was the Final Evaluation of the Second Phase, which featured the joint presentation of student projects. This presentation was conducted through an online connection, allowing partners to view exhibitions simultaneously in both Turkey and Spain. The event was a resounding success, showcasing the culmination of students' efforts and the impactful outcomes of the ID Studio Implementation.

Overall, the meeting in Alicante provided an invaluable opportunity for partners to review achievements, address challenges, and strategize for the next steps of the project. It underscored the collaborative spirit and dedication of all involved in advancing the objectives of the initiative.

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